Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Press Pass

Since last summer I have been writing freelance food articles for the local newspaper. Since I majored in English/Creative Writing I do not know much about journalistic writing and usually feel like a bit of a fraud when I call people for an interview. It is always sorta funny to me that people seem to take me seriously because I really don't know what I am doing.

So last week when I got an e-mail from my editor saying she had a press pass for me and that I should come by and pick it up, I was pretty excited. Press Pass? I envisioned myself walking up to a couple of burly bouncer-types, authoritatively saying "Press" and flashing the press pass, after which I would be ushered into some exclusive event. I don't know what I am suppose to use it for but there are a couple of culinary events coming up where I might try to see if I can get in with it.

The press pass. I thought this pix was funny because my cat's legs look so miniature.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your press pass! You're moving up in the food critic world. lol!