Saturday, April 22, 2006

I have a blog?

So I have been spending the last few weeks on hiatus from the blog. I don't know what really happened I just sort of stopped writing for a while, maybe no inspiration, maybe nothing to say.
The true culprit is probably the string of busy weekends that left me too tired to do much interneting beyond surfing info on Fall Out Boy and Panic! At the Disco, both of which I have been cramming into my brain the last few weeks, ever since I bought their CD's. I really like good music, I forget that sometimes. While on a musical note I have a link to some cool music by my friend Perry. We go way back, yes we were friends when the thought of communicating to people all over the world through a computer seemed futuristic. It was fun to get back in touch with an old friend...
In my gastronomical world I have been accepted to Johnson and Wales in Charlotte. Which means my days hating my job are numbered as are the days of having a savings. I've been busy trying to work out how I will pay but anyone who knows me, or has ever met me knows this is 5 years in the making and I will do it. And I know now is the time. I hope to chronicle a little of my pre culinary school jitters and chaos on the blog but I don't want it to dominate it at least not until I actually start classes.
I look forward to working with food again. I worked in restaurants while working on my 4-year and I hope I can still handle the line but we will see.

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